Benedictine and Presbyterian: a shared delight
Friday 16 September 2011 I am just leaving for a meeting of Christian writers at Buckfast Abbey. Since time immemorial, deer have been drawn to graze in the sheltered meadows which line the banks of the river Dart in this...
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Stott on fundamentalist, liberal, evangelical
Friday 29 July 2011 In his debate with the distinguished liberal thinker, David Edwards, John Stott developed a little parable. It used flight as a picture of freedom and sought to characterise (but not he hoped caricature) the essential difference between...
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A N Wilson´s return to faith
Friday 15 May 2009 I used to read A N Wilson with profit in his Christian years, was sad when he appeared to abandon faith, but am delighted that he has returned to such a strong and articulate faith. Do take...
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