Pope Francis to young people: Don’t be afraid to dream great things!
Here is a translation of part of what Pope Francis said at his weekly General Audience address in St. Peter’s Square yesterday: In the square, I saw today there are many young people. Is it so? Are there very many young...
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From the Boston bombings to a civilization of love
Here is the text of the sermon preached by Cardinal Seán O'Malley, archbishop of Boston, on Sunday 21 April 2013 at a Mass for the repose of the souls of those who died as a result of the bombings at...
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When Margaret Thatcher listened to John Stott
All Souls Orchestra and Choir under Noël Tredinnick arranged a series of Christian concerts, ‘Prom Praise’, first at the Barbican and later at the Royal Albert Hall. More than once, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher came to these with a...
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When CS Lewis, John Stott and Billy Graham met
In 1952, John led a CICCU mission at the University of Cambridge. Crowds at this, the first of many university missions he was to lead, were so great that stewards brought extra chairs into the side-aisles of Great St...
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When Cathering of Aragon stayed in Exeter
My wife Sheila (not shown in photo) has a meeting this morning at the Old Deanery in Exeter. I have reminded her that when the 16 year old Catherine of Aragon (shown in picture) was enroute from Spain...
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Aung San Suu Kyi and the Bible
Interesting to hear Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma's Pro-Democracy leader, say on Desert Island Discs, that her grandfather was a converted Christian and that she used to read the Bible to him every evening. He was, she said, the...
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Full text of Steve Holmes response to Steve Chalke on homosexuality and hermeneutics
Homosexuality & hermeneutics: creating counter-cultural communities by Steve Holmes I respect and admire Steve Chalke, and have enjoyed working with him from time to time over the years. People in my extended family were converted to Christianity through Steve's youth evangelism...
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Full text of Steve Chalke’s article “A Matter of Integrity”
A MATTER OF INTEGRITY: The Church, sexuality, inclusion and an open conversation By Rev. Steve Chalke Thoughtful conformity to Christ - not unthinking conformity to either contemporary culture or textual prohibitions - should be our unchanging reference point. I feel both compelled and...
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David Suchet (Poirot) to uncover the story of Paul
In a major new series for BBC1, actor David Suchet sets out on a personal journey around the Mediterranean to uncover the story of a man he has longed to play - the biblical Saint Paul. Paul did more than...
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Tom Wright on women bishops
“But that would be putting the clock back,” gasps a feckless official in one of C. S. Lewis’s stories. “Have you no idea of progress, of development?” “I have seen them both in an egg,” replies the young hero. “We...
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