The little town where the hopes and fears of all the years are met
Bethlehem, like Jerusalem, can be snowy in winter so maybe those wintry scenes on our traditional Christmas cards are not too far off the mark. A main feature of any visit to the town is the Church of the...
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The Christian’s hope
When I was in my teens, my father took me took me along to the University of Exeter to hear a series of lectures on the resurrection delivered by the newly elected Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael Ramsey. Richard Eyre, about...
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Prayer as hearing the voice of Christ in the silence
When C.S. Lewis’s wife, Joy Davidman, died, in 1960, the priest who took the funeral service was hardly able to get the words out through his own tears. His name was Austin Farrer and I am currently a fan of his writings. Farrer’s...
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Total commitment
Frances Ridley Havergal was, by all accounts, a remarkable woman: linguist (speaking French and German and reading Hebrew and New Testament Greek), musician, poet, athlete, swimmer and mountain climber. She was also a devout Christian with an intense sense of commitment to God which...
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Luke’s journeys in this life and beyond
Since 2 June, the Common Worship Lectionary has included a reading from the Gospel of Luke on every Sunday. I have loved this because I am a fan of the way Luke tells the story of Jesus, often using journeys as a device...
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In the footsteps of St Cuthbert
Although we hadn’t intended it, a holiday Sheila and I enjoyed at the end of May and the beginning of June turned into something of pilgrimage in the footsteps of St Cuthbert. But we didn’t do it in the right...
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Farewell to a man of ‘spiritual generosity and kindness’
On 6 March, 2019, Lord Habgood, who was Archbishop of York from 1983 to 1995, died at the age of 91. Eighty years earlier, at Eton, he hated games, but enjoyed chapel, although he rejected anything to do with God...
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A view of Challacombe Church
Sheila and I have discovered a lovely walk which we recommend. From Ilfracombe, you drive south down the A399 in the direction of Brayford but at Four Cross Way you turn left towards Challacombe. This takes you high up over...
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The power of love
What were you doing on Saturday 19 May this year? I think it’s quite likely that you were one of apparently two billion people throughout the world who watched on TV the wedding of Harry and Meghan in St...
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The mystery of time, space and God
When Rev. Michael Rogers moved earlier this year he told me that he needed to get rid of many books as there wouldn’t be room for them in his new home. So I decided to pop round to the...
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